Bárány Society meeting 2024
Dear distinguished colleagues and friends,
It is our great pleasure to welcome you to the XXXII Bárány Society meeting in Uppsala, Sweden, August 25-28 2024. As a society devoted to the study of the vestibular system and its role in balance, orientation, and spatial perception, we have a unique opportunity to share our latest research findings and engage in stimulating discussions with experts from around the world, including an exciting Satellite meeting that offers an opportunity to discuss related topics at a broader level.
The Bárány Society was founded in 1960 to honor the legacy of the pioneering scientist and Nobel laureate Robert Bárány. Since then, our society has grown to become an international community of researchers, clinicians, and educators who are passionate about advancing our understanding of the vestibular system and its clinical applications.
Our normal meeting schedule became interrupted by the COVID pandemic , but now we are “back on track”, with meetings being held in Uppsala every 6th year. During the Uppsala meeting several prestigious prizes are awarded, such as the Uppsala University Gold Medal in the honor Robert Bárány as well as the Hallpike-Nylén prize and the Hallpike-Nylén medal.
Our four-day meeting in 2024 promises to be an exciting and informative event. We have an outstanding line-up of speakers who will share their latest research findings and insights, as well as sessions devoted to clinical applications, educational initiatives, and interdisciplinary collaborations.
We would like to extend our warmest welcome to all our participants, both new and returning. We are confident that this meeting will provide a valuable platform for knowledge sharing, networking, and collaboration, and we look forward to a stimulating and productive event. Late August in Uppsala usually comes with nice, mild weather. The students are back to start the autumn semester, making the city come alive again after the summer vacations.
Thank you for joining us and we wish you all a successful Bárány Society meeting 2024.
The XXXII Bárány Society Meeting, Uppsala, Sweden 25/08/2024 – 28/08/2024, has been accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME®) with 18.5 European CME credits (ECMEC®s). Each medical specialist should claim only those hours of credit that he/she actually spent in the educational activity.
Göran Laurell
Mikael Karlberg
Måns Magnusson
Niklas Danckwardt-Lillieström
Fredrik Tjernström
Per Olof Eriksson
Michael Schubert
Daniel Gold
Barry Seemungal
Kathleen Cullen
Days left
Organised by
Organising committee
Göran Laurell, Måns Magnusson, Mikael Karlberg, Niklas Danckwardt-Lillieström, Per Olof Eriksson, Fredrik Tjernström, Michael Schubert, Doris-Eva Bamiou and Daniel Gold.

Congress secretariat
Reed & Mackay (former Resia Kongress)
E-mail: congress.se@reedmackay.com
Phone: +46 (0)18 18 35 35 (Tuesday-Thursday at 9.00-12.00)
Abstract support
E-mail: abstracts+barany2024@invajo.com